27 Feb 2007

Finished a DLO today, my first DLO in A4. This was the scraplift challenge in the latest copy of Scrapbook Magazine and i thought i'd give it a go even though the original in the mag was a 12x12 so heres my attemptIt's the first time i've done a complete scraplift and i must admit it was harder than i thought it would be. Don't get me wrong i've used sketches...the pencilines ones are particularly fabby. But with sketches you have a lot of room to interpret other things and quite often what you end up with is something very different to the original sketch. I like that though, it's a starting block and then you expand. I'd say to any other beginners out there to really look around for sketch sites as they can be a great way of getting going, even an experienced scrapper who may be having 'scrappers block' i would think a sketch may be the kick up the arris that can be needed to get the creative juices flowing again. WEll off to finish a couple more things before i retire for the evening dreaming of hubby coming home tomorrow....ahhhhhhh

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