28 Mar 2009

Best Laid Plans......

It's been a busy, happy, sad, productive and manic couple of weeks. The best thing has been being able to hear from Pete as he's had some time alongside in Fujairah. The joy on the girls faces as they spoke to their dad was brilliant to see (although the constant arguing as to who was going to speak next wasn't as brilliant). It's just so nice to hear his voice although I must admit to being slightly jealous over the huge suite he has in his five star hotel! Mind you, I guess after spending the last couple months crammed into a tin of sardines he does kind of deserve it. Just wish I was there to share it with him....oh well, maybe next time.

Sunday of course was Mothers Day and with a little help from Nanny the girls pulled off a lovely card and chocolate cake for me. I was thrilled with the card especially as they'd got so creative.....haven't checked out how much of my yummy making memories lime acrylic Natasha managed to use for her handprint but as it was for such a worthy cause I've decided to overlook said stash robbing!

I was so good and managed to get my three mothers day cards done in time. Unfortunately one went off before I got a chance to take a photo, one wasn't sent in time (sorry Rose, will save it for next year!) and the other I'm going to give my mum when i see her later tonight.....It's weird how I used to be so organised when it came to birthdays, anniversaries and the like and now I have difficulty in knowing what day it is (infact i've even been known to forget what year we're in lately).

I've quite enjoyed making cards lately although I'm not the greatest at it. I've found it's a good way of using up some of the vellum quotes pads that i've had lurking around from my early days of buying unnecessary stash! It's also a way of using up scraps and trying to refind my mojo. I have some great photos to scrap but just can't find the right frame of mind at the moment. May have a look at Pencilines and see if that inspires me!

Tuesday was one of those days that left me a little deflated. It was parent teacher consultations at Emilys school and a few issues came up about her behaviour. Nothing too serious but enough to need to take action. Academically she is very gifted and working a year ahead of her age but she tends to be bossy and want to be the centre of attention. To try and get the attention she will act as if she's about to do something naughty (eating plastacine was the latest). She won't actually do the naughty thing but will look straight at the teacher with a smirk on her face just willing to be told off. As Pete said, there's no point in being clever if you're going to be disruptive. So we had a long chat and it seems to have paid off as she got a certificate in assembly on Friday for her improved behaviour during the week.

It's been a strange journey watching how Emily has grown the last few years. I did wonder when she was between the age of 2 and 3 whether or not I'd be able to handle her as she was constantly on the go and could get really tantrummy. It wasn't something I ever experienced with Freya who was laid back, calm and quite introvert (no idea what happened to that little girl cos it's certainly not a description which holds true with her now).

Since turning 3 though, she has completely mellowed and has become so utterly loving. At times she can be manic and whingy but the tantrums are certainly gone. I do wonder if it is middle child syndrome. I don't know a great deal about this having come from a family of only one other sibling but it does make sense. Emily is certainly the one that generally has to shout the loudest at home so I guess that aswell as her learning from this experience we need to aswell.

So that kind of brings me to this weekend. I'd managed to farm all the kiddiwinks out tonight for a much needed night of R&R (typical that i chose the night when i'll lose sleep with the clocks changing!). However, that seems to be in the air at the moment. Sheree (my lil sis) has gone into hospital. Hopefully nothing too serious but as she's not suffered a relapse with her Lupus for years the last few weeks have shown that her blood is so thin at the moment that she could start bleeding out. It's a scary thought and I'm praying that everything will be ok. Sheree is one of these people who is straight as a die, has never let her Lupus become an obstacle and doesn't drip every five minutes about how ill she is. But I could hear in her voice this morning how worried she was. Hopefully it's nothing more than blood leaking into her joints (which has been something that's happened before) and she'll be home soon.

So my Sainsbury meal for a fiver and bottle of Rose may have to wait for another night as instead of getting rid of my lot, i'm stuck with most of mine plus the niece and nephew. Fingers crossed eh?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I totally believe in middle child syndrome - Mollie is the same, always has to be in charge! Hope your sister is ok xxx