18 Mar 2009

Still in happy land!

The weather is continuing to bring out the best in me and I am in the most glorious mood. I think the kids are starting to worry about why their mother appears to be so happy! Should hear from Pete for the first time in several weeks in the next few days and I just can't wait to hear his voice. I know that after the call i'll be down in the dumps but for that briefest of moments the world will be put to rights and I'll feel on top of the world. The girls are really looking forward to speaking to Daddy so i'm hoping the time difference will work itself out alright, to be honest I haven't checked what it is.

Freya's birthday present arrived yesterday and she looked like an impatient spoilt brat waiting for it to charge up but she's been having a little play today....customising the wallpaper and setting up all her contacts and email. It's a nifty piece of kit, lovely and sturdy so fingers crossed she'll look after it.

Been digging out old photos recently and getting them scanned into Photoshop Organiser. Still wish i was slim.....guess that's what childbirth and chocolate addiction does for ya. I so wish I enjoyed working out but truth is I don't. Now if I could twirl again that would be a different story. I still miss it, even after all these years and I still have a baton in the house.

I'm going to try and get hold of some of the videos of some of the performances, would especially love a copy of the Euro championships in 89. Oh the memories!

Another reason for the happy mood? I got some stash out yesterday and made some cards so will share some photos of them tomorrow. Better make some mothers day ones tomorrow!

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