27 May 2007

I want one!

My desire for a DSLR is getting to the point of fever pitch. I'm fed up with taking rubbish photos and am constantly in awe of those i see elsewhere. I really want to do the OU course in photography however my digital point and shoot isn't up to it. So i'm looking for a second hand camera but even then they are soooo expensive and so now i'm looking at what i can sell to fund my purchases. So i'm going to sell my PSP and see if that can get me a little cash towards it. Will let you know how i get on.

Been having a clear out at home and trying to reorganise my stash. I'm now at the stage where i wish i hadn't started because i don't know where i'm putting anything and i have stash laying all over the place. Thing is i can't go to bed til it's finished as if i do it's in danger of being ruined by inquisitive fingers in the morning.

Had a really nice afternoon. We went to Jump in Plymouth as Natasha was invited to her first ever birthday party. A little girl called Sydney that goes to her nursery. Jump is like a wacky warehouse but bigger, i don't know if Jump is a national thing or not but for little uns it's fab especially since it had a refit (it was previously a Playzone). The toddler area is amazing there. Pete has taken them a few times since it reopened but it's the first time i've been there and i've already decided i'll hold Emilys birthday party there although that isn't until November.

Robert and Emily went off and did their own thing whilst i stayed with Natasha. She wasn't too keen on the party food but enjoyed the party dances although was petrified of the cute spider toys that they used for the incy wincy spider song! No pics though as i just couldn't handle 3 kids and a camera today.


Amanda said...

Sounds like a fun day hope you get your funds for your dslr wish i had a camera lol usin my sisters at mo

Anonymous said...

Jump sounds awesome - I love places like that. Our local PlayZone has adult nights which are cool cos they allow alcohol hehe!

I too really want an SLR! :o(

Sarah Youde said...

Hi Terrie - I am taking the lil ones to jump tomorrow, they love it.

I love my SLR! Not that I have had chance to work out how to use it all properly yet