1 Mar 2007

Free Issue 21 of Scrapbook Magazine

WEll Scrapbook Magazine have managed to mess up my subscription and have delivered me 2 copies of Issue 21 (even though i got issue 22 last week!) So have decided that YOU can have a copy, just leave a comment on this post and i'll get Freya to put all the names in a hat (well actually probably more like a saucepan) and pull one out at random. Winner gets copy sent out.


Anonymous said...

Ooh could I be added purlease? :o)

momma-ostrich said...

It had better be a witch that wins Terrie-add me name mate!

Great blog Terrie and knowing you it will get better and better. Enjoy the time with Pete and don't forget us witches!

Unknown said...

Me!!! Put me in too..lol..

unhappy camper said...

I would love a chance to get into the draw too, didn't win the lottery on Wednesday so winning the magazone would more than make up for it lol