9 Mar 2007

RIP John Farrell

A sad news day today. My Father In Law unfortunatly passed away this morning. He only retired in October and we'd been up to Wigan to see the family only a few weeks before. Only a few weeks after retiring he started having shakes and losing mobility so went to hospital to be checked out. Turns out he had 5 brain tumours, not the news he was expecting the week before Xmas.

We went up at Christmas and New Year with the kids so that they got a last chance to see their grandad whilst he was still 'with it'. The past few weeks have been really hard for my mother in law, Rose, as she's been to and from hospitals, hospices, homecare arrangements, back to hospital and finally back at home, which is where he wanted to be. He passed away at home this morning.

It's been a really hard few weeks, especially being so far away from everyone. Pete has just caught a train up to be with his mum and the rest of the family. I don't think it's fair on the kids to be there now so i'll be driving up with Robert (my step son) on WEdnesday for the funeral on Thursday. The two littlest ones don't understand and Freya doesn'tknow yet. She's at her dads over the weekend and then it's her birthday on Monday so i'm going to leave it til Tuesday to tell her. She's a very sensitive girl and i don't want her birthday to be overshadowed and her not enjoy herself. Maybe that's wrong but it's the decision i've taken.

My thoughts go out to anyone with loved ones that are ill. I'm just grateful to have known the man who my darling husband takes after soooo much. I'm grateful that he died peacefully and in the place he wanted to be. And i hope his beloved Everton win their next game, just for him. RIP John Farrell, your grandkids will miss you so much.Natasha with nanny and grandad, September 2006


Sarah Youde said...

Terrie, so sad to hear the news I hope everything goes as well as can be at the funeral. My heart goes out to Pete my dad died in 2005 and it still feels like yesterday.

On a lighter note, it is Ben's birthday on Monday too. I didn't know he shared it with Freya.

Amanda said...

My thoughts are with you and the family at this sad time sendin hugs to all
I think its best to let freya enjoy her birthday before tellin her the news