18 Aug 2008

And she's back!

My eldest babe is back! Back from spending three weeks in France with her dad and bloody hell i've missed her! She flew in yesterday and we had a lovely roast duck dinner...although all she was going on about was when she could have a pasty (and we're talking proper cornish pasty not those bastard Ginster things that try and pass themselves off as pasties!).

She still hasn't even unpacked her cases yet but you could see in her face that she was happy to be home again and sleep in her own bed too. Yesterday was her first chance to get on the Wii fit too as it arrived on the day she flew out so she managed to clock up a few hours on that yesterday whilst I busied myself in the kitchen slaving over the roast. Her sisters were over the moon to see her and I, as always, was jealous of her tan! That girl just has to be in the sun for five minutes and goes a beautiful golden shade......5 minutes for me has me bordering on beetroot.

So we took things fairly easy yesterday and then today completely demolished the kitchen by making various cakes and buns as the weather was pants again. Lots of flour and icing sugar everywhere but the girls were so interested in what they were doing that there was hardly a squabble, moan or whinge all afternoon.

Freya also got a chance to mess around with her iPod for the first time which I've packed with tunes for her.......and the Scott Mills Podcasts which keep me from losing my head whilst I'm doing the humdrum of cleaning. Now i'm about to print off some photos for a layout...and I'm going to do it TONIGHT!

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